Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Not Done..

Very disappointed..Don't know in myself or the people around me or just the circumstance..Got to hear something from a senior today that has changed a lot of things in my head..I know I made a mistake..But I don't think I deserved to hear that..I might not have done a lot but have done enough to be given a benefit of doubt sometimes..It hurts you know..After so much, this is what one gets to hear..A friend tells me that this is "Corporate Life"..If this is the kind of life i will be subjected to the next 37 years of my life, then I don't think I am cut out for this..Call me weak or whatever..But I expect things from people..I know that is wrong in itself but that is who I am..And that is what I guess is the main reason for the disappointment..I know I need to learn from this and move on..I am trying too..But its tough..Cause there is no one whom I can tell this to and expect that person to understand..I guess one needs to learn to not depend on others..

1 comment:

Kris said...

the idea is not to get carried away by the praises or get bogged down by the criticisms... everything is information/experience, so that u can learn from them... :) kar ke dekh... agar successful hui to then do let me how you do it :P
yes, i am perhaps the biggest hypocrite to roam this planet.. i give suggestions which i never follow personally :P